Oftentimes, despite the best intentions, individuals may not be able to come to an agreed-upon resolution for disagreements involving injuries suffered, monies owed or services rendered. These disagreements can originate under varied circumstances, including but not limited toPersonal injury | Automobile accidents | Premises liability | Products liability | Professional liability | Real Estate disputes | Small Business litigation | Wrongful death | Business and Real Estate Disputes | Contractual Disputes | Consumer Issues | Harassing Collection Calls (Fai Debt Collection Act Violations) | Insurance Disputes

Despite suggestions by some, the rigorous protections afforded to the criminally- accused by our Constitution are not frivolous niceties or formalities freely ignored, but instead are foundational pillars upon which our constitutional freedoms rest. Indeed, one can be deprived of virtually every other constitutional right by being deprived of one’s liberty in criminal proceedings!DUI/DWI | Drug Crimes | Probation Violations | Theft Crimes | Violent Crimes | Federal Crimes

Divorce and other family law issues can be confusing and extremely challenging. It can be hard to make the important and necessary decisions to achieve your desired goals, while maintaining emotional stability. These are the times that you should turn to and rely on the skill set and experience of your attorney to assist you in making these tough decisions.Divorce | Legal Separation | Child Custody | Child Support | Department of Human Services (DHS) Actions | Juvenile Dependency: Prosecution or Defense | Juvenile Delinquency: Defense | Domestic Violence: Prosecution or Defense | Marriage Counseling | Mediation | Virtual Visitation | Relocation | Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) | And More
As the law in all of its forms—legislatively enacted laws, court and agency decisions, executive regulations—has expanded its reach into far larger parts of our daily lives, it is more difficult than ever for the individual to navigate his or her way through the seeming abyss that is the law. That’s where we come in.
At Clanton Legal, we are here to protect you, and we want you to know that we are your lawyers. We will get to know you because we believe good relationships are key to effective legal representation. Your call will not be answered by an unknown operator you will never see again. It will be answered by us or a member of our staff. We will personally assess your situation and give you appropriate guidance regarding a recommended course of action. We will shine a light upon the relevant law and analysis and help you to understand your rights and obligations.
Clanton Legal is a law firm that seeks to practice law in the manner handed down by our forebears, and do the hard work of daily helping to protect the life, liberty, and property of the individual, and maintain essential order in society. Those are two of the most basic of the law’s historic purposes, and we strive to further them by providing our clients with legal representation of the highest caliber and in accordance with the most exacting standards.
We work as a single united team with market leading firms around the world and give our clients the highest quality advice possible.
- Oftentimes, despite the best intentions, individuals may not be able to come to an agreed-upon resolution for disagreements involving injuries suffered, monies owed or services rendered. These disagreements can originate under varied circumstances, including but not limited to:
- Personal injury
- Automobile accidents
- Premises liability
- Products liability
- Professional liability
- Real Estate disputes
- Small Business litigation
- Wrongful death
- Business and Real Estate Disputes
- Contractual Disputes
- Consumer Issues
- Harassing Collection Calls (Fair Debt Collection Act Violations)
- Insurance Disputes
Despite suggestions by some, the rigorous protections afforded to the criminally-accused by our Constitution are not frivolous niceties or formalities freely ignored, but instead are foundational pillars upon which our constitutional freedoms rest. Indeed, one can be deprived of virtually every other constitutional right by being deprived of one’s liberty in criminal proceedings!
For these reasons, we take criminal representations with the utmost concern that our clients are innocent until proven guilty, and it is the government’s job to prove each element of the case beyond a reasonable doubt. We work tirelessly to defend clients charged with criminal matters ranging from minor misdemeanors related to drug possession to felony charges. Regardless of the charges against you, we will work aggressively to defend you in a court of law for the following offenses as well as others not specifically listed:
Let’s face it, virtually anyone who consumes alcohol could most likely have been caught and convicted of driving under the influence at some point in their lifetime, even if just after having had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner. If you have received a citation or been arrested for DUI, please contact us for a free consultation and be sure to protect yourself and your record.
Drug crimes may be state or federal charges involving the possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, cultivation, or trafficking of controlled substances and narcotics. These include marijuana, cocaine, crack, heroin, methamphetamines, steroids, and other illegal drugs, including the unauthorized use or distribution of prescription medicines.
If you have been convicted of a crime and placed on probation, you are generally subject to terms and conditions of release imposed by the court. When these terms are violated, you may be required to appear before a judge concerning the violation. Depending on the nature of your violation, your probation may be extended or you may be required to serve time in jail or prison. A skilled criminal defense attorney can defend you in such cases.
Theft crimes can range from minor shoplifting charges to burglary, carjacking, and armed robbery. They can also include white collar crimes, such as passing bad checks, forgery, and identity theft. These crimes are often punished with jail or prison sentences, heavy fines, restitution to victims, and more.
Violent crimes include any criminal offense which involves the use of force or threat of force against victims. These include assault and battery, domestic violence, kidnapping, arson, weapons charges, manslaughter, and murder. Violent crimes are heavily punished by the criminal court system, which means you will need a thorough and skilled defense.
Federal crimes are often more serious than crimes charged in state court. The federal government generally has more resources, including better trained and paid investigators from agencies like the FBI, DEA, AT&F and Homeland Security. If you are being investigated by a federal agency or are charged with a federal crime you cannot afford to be represented by an attorney who is not deeply experience in federal criminal procedure.
- Divorce and other family law issues can be confusing and extremely challenging. It can be hard to make the important and necessary decisions to achieve your desired goals, while maintaining emotional stability. These are the times that you should turn to and rely on the skill set and experience of your attorney to assist you in making these tough decisions.
The attorneys at Clanton Legal manage urgent and complex family law matters. We work diligently to assist you in developing a successful strategy for your divorce or family law matter, while aggressively pursuing the goal outlined in our initial consultation. Please call or email our office today and you will receive a free, confidential consultation so we can further discuss and assess your specific case needs and offer advice for your next steps. Clanton Legal can assist you with:
- Divorce
- Legal Separation
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Department of Human Services (DHS) Actions
- Juvenile Dependency: Prosecution or Defense
- Juvenile Delinquency: Defense
- Domestic Violence: Prosecution or Defense
- Marriage Counseling
- Mediation
- Virtual Visitation
- Relocation
- Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Marital Settlement Agreements Discreet Divorce Planning
- Division of Property and Debts
- Attorney’s Fees and Cost for You
- Step-Parent Adoption
- Paternity
- Post Judgment Modifications
- Our lawyers perform a range of services relating to appeals and accompanying legal issues, including:
- Briefing and arguing appeals on the merits;
- Preparing and opposing petitions for review in the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal and state appellate courts;
- Providing advice and assistance in briefing significant legal issues at the trial court level;
- Advising clients on appellate issues during and after trial;
- Handling agency appeals before various regulatory bodies; and
- Preparing amicus curiae briefs
In this era of “mega-litigations” and multidistrict practice often involving nontraditional routes of appellate process, our appellate lawyers also engage in frequent motions practice in the courts of appeals and prepare petitions for, and oppositions to, writs of mandamus.